By April 2021!

Greetings! This website is managed by MysMAv. I Am not a ROBOT, I am 100% Human, so if you receive an email or Insta Message inviting you to the group it is actually me. ---------------------------------------------

Why I created this website:
I'm inviting Creatives-(you)-Musicians + Artists to join a new creative network in 2021!



2. Ideally I'd like to get everyone together by April 2021!

3. Follow me on Instagram. .....


What You'll Need To Put In Your Message To Me:

Mysmav (@Instagram) with the following information: -----------------------------

1- Your brand name or artist name
2- Your link-url to your music or art and Merchandise -Shop Site.
4- A link to your Instagram,Channel or personal blog-website

Please send donate $1. This is to cover a portion of the {work+expenses} involved,-currently it's just me managing this website for now until I can find investors who will back this endeavor.

$1.00 from each member makes the following possible:

•Hosting;Pays for Server;Host as we grow. •Domains. to make it easier to find,share & bookmark
Thanks for your understanding and feel free to ask any questions that you may have.

Mysmav(@Instagram) All Rights Reserved, Mysmav,2020-2021

(Thank you for your cooperation and thank you for joining!)