By April 2021! Greetings! This website is managed by MysMAv. I Am not a ROBOT, I am 100% Human, so if you receive an email or Insta Message inviting you to the group it is actually me. --------------------------------------------- Why I created this website: I'm inviting Creatives-(you)-Musicians + Artists to join a new creative network in 2021! -------------------------------------------- REQUIREMENTS: JOIN HERE 2. Ideally I'd like to get everyone together by April 2021! 3. Follow me on Instagram. ..... (((THiS))) What You'll Need To Put In Your Message To Me: Mysmav (@Instagram) with the following information: ----------------------------- 1- Your brand name or artist name 2- Your link-url to your music or art and Merchandise -Shop Site. 4- A link to your Instagram,Channel or personal blog-website Please send donate $1. This is to cover a portion of the {work+expenses} involved,-currently it's just me managing this website for now until I can find investors who will back this endeavor. $1.00 from each member makes the following possible: •Hosting;Pays for Server;Host as we grow. •Domains. to make it easier to find,share & bookmark Thanks for your understanding and feel free to ask any questions that you may have. Mys Mysmav(@Instagram) All Rights Reserved, Mysmav,2020-2021 (Thank you for your cooperation and thank you for joining!) |